Every missionary should attend Missionary Communication Workshop because of three ministry changing results:
- You will learn to speak in a way that captures your audience’s attention with a memorable presentation that gets the desired outcome.
- You will raise more money faster for support and projects.
- You will become the missionary speaker that pastors want in their church.
2025 Workshop
Sunday November 2 – Friday November 7, 2025

Who Can Attend Missionary Communication Workshop?
Missionary Communication Workshop is open to any BBFI missionary who is in the process of approval, on deputation, home on furlough, or in an internship. The workshop is for couples and single missionaries. If you are married, we do require that both husband and wife attend the workshop. You both need to understand the principles that you will learn in order to build a dynamic missionary presentation. Every couple who has attended the workshop has said they are glad they both came, and to make sure we require that both husband and wife attend the workshops.
What about children?
Unfortunately, the schedule and facility does not allow for child care at the workshop. We know finding someone to take care of your children can be difficult, but you will be glad you made the effort to attend. In the words of a previous participant, “The workshop is a game-changer for missionaries.”
The Components of Missionary Communication Workshop
The first component is the daily, large group class time, where you will learn dynamic communication skills for the various types of presentations missionaries and missionary wives make. This includes sermons, lessons, testimonies, and Q&A sessions. You will also learn how to write support letters that pastors will read and respond to.
The second component is the small group evaluated speech time where you will apply the principles you learned in the morning sessions. Evaluation is the key to growth; information without evaluation equals stagnation. Missionaries are in very few settings where they get helpful feedback. In the small group speech time, five to eight men or women, along with their coach, will give loving, positive, honest evaluation of your daily speech.
Speaking is hard, and being evaluated is even harder. It’s rare that speakers seek evaluation, and that is why great communicators are rare. As a result of daily evaluated speeches, you will leave the workshop a more confident, dynamic and life-changing speaker.
“Attending the communication workshop has improved my skills in ways I never imagined possible. Don’t skip this, no matter how long you have been involved in public speaking.”
“It was a blessing to participate in the Communication Workshop. I felt like I already had a grasp on giving presentations, but the Communication Workshop helped me identify many areas where I can improve and expand my presentation skills. I would highly recommend this to everyone who speaks and gives presentations.
“Coming in, I was honestly skeptical. I had no idea what to expect. This workshop was truly invaluable. It was well worth the time and effort. The atmosphere was relaxed. Everybody wanted everybody to succeed. I plan to do it again on our next furlough.”
“After participating in both the Ministry and Missionary Communication Workshops, I have found myself leaving with tools that will continue to be used for the rest of my life on the mission field. Every sending pastor should send their missionaries to the MCW because of the many tools that will be gained.”

2025 Workshop
Sunday November 2 – Friday November 7, 2025
The Coaches

Lewis & Karen McClendon
Lewis and Karen have worked together in ministry since 1971. Lewis has been a youth pastor, executive pastor and Senior Pastor. Together Lewis and Karen founded Ponderosa Pines Christian Camp, now known as Camp Pondo, in 1982. In 1995 they returned to Ventura Baptist Church, and Lewis became the Senior Pastor in 1998. Once Lewis became the pastor, he and Karen began visiting the missionaries Ventura Baptist Church supported. To date they have been in over 40 countries. When Lewis had a burden to help missionaries with their presentations, he and Karen put together Missionary Communication Workshop. Karen helps with the manuals and scheduling, and she is a coach for the ladies. Lewis is one of the men’s coaches and teaches some of the classes.

Steve & Jenell Bender
Steve and Jenell were approved as BBF missionaries to Korea in September 1984, where they served until April 1998, at which time God moved them to Springdale, Arkansas. In Springdale, Steve served as associate pastor at Temple Baptist Church until moving to Springfield, MO and becoming Associate Mission Director for the BBFI in August 2000. Steve travels extensively visiting missionaries on the field and preaching Mission Conferences & Mission Weekends in the USA. He is passionate about missions and particularly seeing BBF missionaries become even greater communicators of the Gospel. Jenell has had the privilege to sing and speak to audiences all across the United States and many foreign countries. Jenell is a talented vocalist and gifted Bible teacher. Her desire is to refresh those to whom she speaks by sharing about real life challenges and the grace of a very real and loving Heavenly Father.
Workshop Cost
All workshop costs are paid for all missionaries by donors who have a passion for missionaries. This includes housing, food, and materials. The only cost a missionary has is transportation to California.
Workshop Location
The Missionary Communication Workshop is held at Pondo in Running Springs, California. Visit for directions.
More Information
For more information, contact Lewis McClendon at [email protected]